We Relate
Before anything else we meet you as a person: the inspired soul looking to break out of the creative rut you find yourself in. Leaving surnames and titles at the door, we make meaningful space to lean in. By beginning our engagement on human terms, sharing our stories and intently seeking yours, we tap into our greatest asset: our hearts (yes, yours too).
We Seek to Understand
Next, we dive deep into an unscripted, targeted, and friendly consult aimed at gently surfacing the underlying challenge that’s facing you and your team. Once we’ve reached clarity on the guiding objective and impetus for change, we’re ready to set a gameplan towards alignment.
We Go
Sometimes a bright-shining genius can achieve eureka within a single session, if offered the right alchemy of support and facilitation, but most often true creative breakthroughs take a few steps to get off the ground. Uniquely curated to unlock your creative puzzle piece by piece, we’ll move through a series of facilitated sessions that will bring you closer to your target step by step.